About Me

My design back ground is in Textiles and Surface Pattern Design but it was during my MA in Multi Disciplinary Print Making at U.W.E that I was introduced to the Art of Enamelling. During this time i began experimenting with contemporary enamelling techniques incorporating various print procedures. Soon after completing my Masters I had a little girl called Eve Florence, so things were put on hold for a while...well 3 years to be precise. Last year i was awarded an Arts Council of Wales Project grant which has enabled me to further investigate this medium. I am now the proud owner of a lovely enamel kiln. The results and experiments of which will be posted on this blog!

Friday 9 March 2012

Stitch and line

Since starting this project I have began to draw comparisons between the aesthetics of lace and the hand written word. The definition of lace as a decorative open work fabric in which pattern of spaces is as important as the solid areas gives a close description of the text that I have been collecting. The various techniques and construction of lace are nearly as diverse as the variety and expression of the hand written word. Some heavy and coarse, others delicately intertwined. The manipulation of line similar to the looping and knotting of the thread. The tension of line and the push and pull of the needle, one to make motif or patterning of  fabric and the other a signature of handwriting.